Office 01452 770 268 | Out of Hours 07796 338 979

Refunds and Complaints


Waterlane Equine Vets does not offer a goodwill returns policy.

Please note your statutory rights remain unaffected.


As a practice we appreciate and encourage feedback from our clients. It allows us to monitor and, where necessary, improve the standard of service we provide. We are committed to reviewing all comments received and strive to continuously evaluate our operational procedures.

We hope that you never have recourse to complain about the standard of service received from Waterlane Equine Vets. However, if you feel that there is something you wish to complain about, we will endeavour to resolve the matter promptly and fairly.

How to Complain

We take complaints about our quality of service very seriously and find that generally most issues can be resolved by discussing any concerns you have with the treating vet at the time, or the practice manager as soon as is practically possible after the event. If your problem cannot be sorted out this way and you wish to make a formal complaint, we would like you to let us know as quickly as possible – at most within 14 days – as this will enable us to establish what happened more easily. When submitting a formal complaint, please include the nature of the complaint, when the issue arose and which staff member was involved. Complaints should be lodged in writing for the attention of the Practice Manager or Dr Jonathan Bryars, Director.

What We Will Do

We will investigate your complaint and respond within a reasonable timescale. We will aim to have reviewed your complaint within ten working days of the date that we receive it. During the handling of your complaint we will endeavour to establish the circumstances of the incident, what went wrong, issue an apology (where appropriate) and identify what we can do to prevent the problem happening again. Our aim is to do the best for you and all the horses in our care. We rely on feedback to guide us in how to provide the best possible care so please let us know if you are unhappy. You also have the right to approach the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) if you are dissatisfied with our reply. Please refer to their website for further information and guidance.